School Development Plan
How we plan for continuous School Development
This plan has been created by and in consultation with the staff/governors/ parents and pupils of East Whitby Academy. It is based on the stated aims of the school.
Key priorities have been identified through the school’s self evaluation activities such as parent, pupil and staff questionnaires, OfSTED etc
External recommendations have been used to shape the priorities for school improvement.
Sources of external evaluation include:
- Ofsted Inspection (Jun 2019)
- Key Stage moderation visits
- School Enquiry with the Enquire Learning Trust
- Key Stage results Data
Internal evaluations (scrutinies) are also used to shape the priorities for the school.
Sources of school Self Evaluation include:
- Internal school review
- Internal progress and attainment data
- Wide range of monitoring procedures
- Governor voice
- Parent questionnaires
- Pupil questionnaires
- Staff questionnaires
- Discussions with staff during Performance Management and Supervision sessions
- Learning from incidents and accidents
- Staff contributions and observations.
- Parents’ support group and feedback
The culmination of self evaluation activities and external recommendations are expressed in our strategic aims. The plan is developed by, shared with and monitored by our whole school staff team. This is through consultation and participation events held during the school year.
Responsibility for monitoring the plan rests with the Leadership Team. Members of the team are responsible for overseeing the development of each section of the plan as well as constructing the working document into this form.
Accountability for all actions in the plan ultimately rests with the Head teacher and Governors.